Family and Children's Dentistry

Children’s examination starting at $49 and capped at $149 (with x-rays if required). Our Oral Health Therapists are so enthusiastic and passionate about talking and working with our next generation, that they always enjoy the break form the clinic and enjoy getting out into our local community to interact and teach kids and carers of all the importance of caring for their teeth and mouth for lifelong healthy smiles.

Children’s Dentistry

Children’s dentistry is really important for so many reasons. Your child’s first teeth provide the template for their future bite and healthy eruption of their adult teeth.

These baby teeth (deciduous teeth) need to be protected and maintained in their important role. This is why it is never too early for your little ones to experience coming to the dentist.

Usually, your child will be ready for their first check-up from 3 and 4 years of age, but we find by bringing young kids to accompany your appointment or even the appointments of older siblings will help ‘familiarise’ them with the dental environment.  This helps to provide a comfortable, relaxed and familiar environment and experience when it is their turn, and they are less likely to grow up with anxiety about going to the dentist.  Another added benefit of getting started early is to screen for any developmental and future orthodontic concerns that might otherwise not be recognised until later years making them more costly to treat.

We offer all preventative and restorative treatment to children of all ages, including routine examinations and cleans, fissure sealants, restorations, mouth guards, children and teenage orthodontics, dental x-rays, deciduous nerve treatments and extractions where required.

At Lifelong Dental, our experienced team excel in tailoring treatment plans according to your child’s and family’s individual risk assessment and lifestyle needs. Come and experience for yourself, what sets us apart from other dental visits.

Routine examinations and clean

During our many years treating children and seeing their dental confidence grow, we recommend that children have their teeth checked every 6-12 months or depending on risk assessment, as their individualised needs require. Our preventive approach assists your little people to develop dental confidence and the ability to diagnose and treat potential problems as quickly and as cost-effectively as possible.

Fissure Sealants

Molar teeth naturally have deep fissures, pits and grooves on the chewing surface of molar teeth. Preventatively sealing these teeth with a thin resin-plastic coating helps to prevent plaque from getting trapped and stored where the toothbrush cannot reach and helps to prevent decay and cavities from forming. Optimal oral hygiene and diet also play a large role in this preventative approach.


A restoration (filling) may be required if decay has created a cavity in a tooth. What causes decay? When sugary and acidic foods are eaten, bacteria in utilise these acids and demineralise and dissolve teeth, which forms holes. We endeavour to work with all parents and carers to try and minimise our little one’s sugar exposure, whilst most importantly still allowing them to be kids! Our Oral Health Therapists, share their experience of being mum’s of infants, toddler tantrums and school-aged kid’s and understand the balance (and struggles) and are the best equipped to personalise recommendations and give professional advise as well as practical experience.

Mouth Guards

A professionally custom made mouthguard is specially fabricated to your child’s individual teeth mould will assist in cushioning a blow, knock, elbow or knee to the face and mouth that otherwise may result in an injury to the mouth or jaw by contact sports. These may include, Football, Basketball, Hockey, Martial Arts etc. Don’t waste countless time, effort and money trying to mould and shape stock mouthguards which usually ends up a tireless and fruition process.


Dr Geoffrey Storey and his auxiliary team have successfully been providing orthodontic treatments to patients of all ages for over 20 years. Seeing children in conjunction with our Oral Health Therapists from an early age ensures that we can assess your child’s orthodontic needs as they grow. Early intervention may reduce the time and complexity of later orthodontics even to the point that in some cases, no further orthodontics is required.

How often should my child have a check-up?

Children should have their teeth checked at least every six months to help establish good oral hygiene habits, developmental records and confidence in the dental surgery.

Regular examinations help us to diagnose and treat problems as early and inexpensively as possible. Attending our clinic at Lifelong Dental from an early age, and on a regular basis will also allow your little ones to feel calm and confident about dental visits, reducing any anxiety associated with the dentist in the long term.

For your child’s best interest, check-ups are recommended between the age of three to four years of age, but of course we welcome the for a cuddle and play from the minute they join our family.

Lifelong Dental’s team are dedicated to providing a relaxing and stress-free experience for you and your child.  Together we can ensure your child has the healthiest dental start possible in a fun and friendly environment.

When should I bring my child to the dentist?

We recommend you bring your child in for their first dental visit around three to four years of age, or sooner if you have any concerns about the development of their teeth and gums. Baby teeth are very important to the future development of your child’s mouth and have an impact on the development of their adult teeth, which is why it is vital to maintaining the health and strength of baby teeth.

We try to make children’s visits as friendly and fun as possible. Our experienced dental professional will encourage your child to be interactive by showing them the dental instruments and letting them know exactly what they will be looking at during their dental visit.

Having a healthy smile involves a lifelong commitment and your child will need your support to ensure they establish good habits early on. In our practise, we are committed to giving all families the skills they need.

Tooth decay in children

Did you know it’s actually possible for decay (dental caries) to occur in baby teeth, which compromises the adult teeth forming underneath? The importance of baby teeth is often overlooked, but they lay the foundation for your child’s future dental health.
Our goal is to prevent dental decay and avoid restorative procedures in both baby’s (primary) teeth and permanent teeth which may lead to long-term adverse effects. Come and talk to our Oral Health Therapists for your preventative care regime today, and well into the future.

I’m fed up, tired, exhausted and confused about all the information about what I should be doing, or what I’m not doing right.

We’re all human right?! Whether you come to us with your first or fifth child, our Oral Health Therapists are skilled and trained to identify and treat each and every child on their own individual risk assessment, lifestyle and developmental factors. We love seeing kids and families, understanding what works for your family, and helping you get accustomed to your entire dental journey. There is no right or wrong, we understand what works in one home may not ‘fit’ the next.
Come and see our experienced and friendly team today for your own personalised and individualised treatment options and preventative Lifelong Dental health care plan.